The first rehearsals were still using playback for the horns. To make sure it doesn’t stay that way, we are looking forward to the first notations of the wind parts. Now it’s time to practise, practise, practise.
The first rehearsals were still using playback for the horns. To make sure it doesn’t stay that way, we are looking forward to the first notations of the wind parts. Now it’s time to practise, practise, practise.
Things are taking longer than expected. But we are preparing a little surprise, something that appeals to our roots. You can expect it. The cover is also in preparation. It already smells a bit like vinyl.
There are also some preparations for a live show. The first rehearsals will take place at the beginning of next month. We are really looking forward to it.
We really want to complete it. We’ve been working on our first album for a year now. And now we’re working on the mix every week. Yesterday we touched the last song… soon we’ll be able to give the nine tracks to mastering. It’s actually coming true…